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Copilot SDK for Android


The Copilot SDK is a robust framework designed for seamless integration into Android applications, offering a streamlined experience for developers. The minimum deployment target SDK is 21.

SDK Requirements

  1. Login to the Copilot Platform

  2. Open your Copilot and Navigate to the Deploy section to retrieve the integration token.


  • Easy integration with Maven dependency.
  • Compatible with Android 5 and later.
  • Modular and extensible design.
  • Lightweight and optimized for performance.
  • Provides conversation interfaces, deep linking capabilities, and voice call assistance.
  • Supports user authentication and UI appearance customization.


  • Android Version: minSdk 21+
  • Languages: Kotlin


Maven dependency

To integrate the Copilot SDK to your project:

  1. Add the maven URL to the root build.gradle (project/build.gradle)
   allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
  1. Add the following dependency to your app module's build.gradle file (project/app/build.gradle):

    dependencies {
    implementation 'live.copilot.client:sdk:'

    Replace with the latest version of the SDK from the link below

For e.g. implementation 'live.copilot.client:sdk:1.1.0'


To initialize the Copilot SDK, add the following code in your onCreate of the MainActivity or at the start of your app lifecycle:

import Copilot

fun initializeCopilotSDK() {
// Create a user object with placeholder data. Replace these values with real user data.
val userData = CopilotUser(
fullName = "", // The full name of the user
phoneNumber = "", // The user's phone number
profileImageUrl = "", // URL for the user's profile image
emailAddress = "", // The user's email address
userIdentifier = "" // A unique identifier for the user

// Define appearance settings for the Copilot UI
val appearance = CopilotAppearance(
toolbarColor = "#E9FBFB", // Background color for the toolbar bar
backgroundColor = "#E9FBFB", // Background for the main UI
toolbarTintColor = "#000000", // Tint color for the toolbar icons
titleText = "Copilot Assistant" // Title displayed in the tool bar

// Create a configuration object with the token, user data, and appearance settings
val copilotConfig = CopilotConfig(
token = "YOUR_COPILOT_TOKEN", // Replace with your actual Copilot token
user = userData, // Pass the user data
appearance = appearance // Pass the appearance settings

// Initialize the Copilot SDK with the configuration
Copilot.initialize(config = copilotConfig)

// Assign the current activity to Copilot before showing the conversations.


Microphone Permission

To ensure proper functionality, you must add the following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />

User Management

val user = CopilotUser(
fullName: "", // The full name of the user
phoneNumber: "", // The user's phone number
profileImageUrl: "", // URL for the user's profile image
emailAddress: "", // The user's email address
userIdentifier: "" // A unique identifier for the user

Setting the User in Copilot SDK

The Copilot SDK provides multiple ways to set the user for tracking and personalization purposes. You can choose the method that best fits your app's workflow:

1. Set the User During Initialization

You can set the user directly when initializing the Copilot SDK. This is ideal when the user information is readily available at the time of app launch or SDK setup.

config = CopilotConfig(
user = user // Providing user details in config

2. Set the User After Initialization

If the user information becomes available later in the app lifecycle, you can set the user after the SDK has already been initialized.


3. Set the User on Login Success

When a user successfully logs into your app, you can notify the SDK to set the user. This ensures that the user's session is correctly tracked from the moment they log in.


This approach is particularly helpful in apps where user login is optional or delayed until a specific interaction.

Logging Out

To log out the current user:


Customizing Appearance

To set a custom appearance:

val appearance = CopilotAppearance(
toolbarColor = "#E9FBFB", // Background for the toolbar bar
backgroundColor = "#E9FBFB", // Background for the copilot view
toolbarTintColor = "#000000", // Tint color for the toolbar icons
titleText = "Copilot Assistant" // Title displayed in the toolbar bar

Set the Activity Context

Assigns the hosting activity's context to the Copilot SDK. This is required to ensure proper integration with the Copilot screen. The provided context must be an instance of AppCompatActivity.



CopilotAPIResponseCallback Implementation

To handle events and responses from the CoPilot SDK, implement the CopilotAPIResponseCallback interface. This callback provides methods to manage the conversation lifecycle, deep links, and UI changes.

val copilotAPIResponseCallback = object : CopilotAPIResponseCallback {

// Called when the conversation UI is successfully loaded
override fun onConversationLoaded() {
// Handle UI or logic when the conversation is ready
println("Conversation successfully loaded.")

// Called when the conversation fails to load
override fun onConversationFailedToLoad(error: String) {
// Handle error scenarios such as network issues or invalid configurations
println("Failed to load conversation: $error")

// Called when a deep link is received within the conversation
override fun onDeepLinkReceived(url: String) {
// Handle the received deep link URL
println("Deep link received: $url")

// Called to hide your app's custom toolbar if needed
override fun hideToolBar() {
// Implement toolbar hiding logic here if required
println("Toolbar should be hidden.")

Once implemented, pass the copilotAPIResponseCallback instance when invoking CoPilotSDK.showConversations() to handle these events.

Displaying Conversations

This feature enables users to interact with the Copilot assistant through a text-based conversation interface. Users can send and receive messages within the app, making it easy to communicate with the assistant for support, guided workflows, or general assistance. The conversation history is maintained, allowing users to resume past interactions seamlessly. This ensures a smooth and real-time messaging experience without switching between different platforms.

fun showConversation() {
navController = navController, // Required if using a navigation graph
fragmentManager = fragmentManager, // Required if not using a navigation graph
containerId = containerId, // Layout container ID for the fragment
callBack = copilotAPIResponseCallback, // To handle API responses
transactionType = TransactionType.REPLACE, // Default transaction type
initialMessage = "Initial Message" // Optional initial message
initialValue = "", //Optional initial value to provide context or predefined input for the conversation.

Make a Call

This feature allows users to communicate with the Copilot assistant using voice instead of text. It is useful for hands-free interactions, accessibility needs, or situations where speaking is more convenient than typing. Users can initiate a real-time voice conversation within the app, making it easy to get assistance without manually typing queries. The call feature provides a seamless experience by enabling direct access to voice-based support without additional steps.

To enable this feature, ensure that microphone access permission is added in AndroidManifest.xml.

fun makeCall() {
navController = navController, // Required if using a navigation graph
fragmentManager = fragmentManager, // Required if not using a navigation graph
containerId = containerId, // Layout container ID for the fragment
callBack = copilotAPIResponseCallback, // To handle API responses
transactionType = TransactionType.REPLACE, // Default transaction type

API Reference


Initializes the SDK with the provided configuration.

  • Parameters:
    • config (CopilotConfig): The configuration containing the token, user details, and UI appearance.


Before displaying the conversation interface, you need to set the current activity using Copilot.setActivity(). This step is essential for the SDK to properly handle UI interactions and lifecycle events.

  • Parameters:
    • context (Context): context of the current activity instance in which the conversation will be displayed.


Sets the authenticated user for the SDK.

  • Parameters:
    • user (CopilotUser): The user object to be set.


Logs out the currently authenticated user.


Notifies the SDK of a successful user login.

  • Parameter:
    • user (CopilotUser): The user object representing the successfully logged-in user.


Sets the UI appearance for the SDK.

  • Parameter:
    • appearance (CopilotAppearance): The appearance object to be set.


Refreshes the View used by the Copilot SDK. Call this method to reload the content in the WebView.


Initiates a voice call through the Copilot SDK.

  • Parameters:
    • navController (NavController): A NavController for navigating within a NavGraph. Use this when using navigation components. (Optional).
    • fragmentManager (FragmentManager?): A FragmentManager for adding the WebView fragment to an activity. Required if NavController is not used. (Optional).
    • containerId (Int?): The container view ID where the WebView fragment should be added. Required when using FragmentManager. (Optional)
    • callback (CopilotAPIResponseCallback?): A callback for receiving API responses from the Copilot SDK.
    • transactionType (TransactionType): The type of fragment transaction (TransactionType.ADD or TransactionType.REPLACE). Defaults to TransactionType.REPLACE.


Opens the conversation interface provided by the Copilot SDK.

  • Parameters:
    • navController (NavController): A NavController for navigating within a NavGraph. Use this when using navigation components. (Optional).
    • fragmentManager (FragmentManager?): A FragmentManager for adding the WebView fragment to an activity. Required if NavController is not used. (Optional).
    • containerId (Int?): The container view ID where the WebView fragment should be added. Required when using FragmentManager. (Optional)
    • callback (CopilotAPIResponseCallback?): A callback for receiving API responses from the Copilot SDK.
    • transactionType (TransactionType): The type of fragment transaction (TransactionType.ADD or TransactionType.REPLACE). Defaults to TransactionType.REPLACE.
    • initialMessage (String?) : An optional message that will be displayed in the conversation interface.
    • initialValue (String?) : An optional initial value to provide context or predefined input for the conversation.


Common Issues

  • Error: "Unsupported Android version"
    • Ensure that your app's minSdkVersion is set to 21 or later in your build.gradle file.
  • Error: "Module not found"
    • Verify that the SDK dependency is correctly added in your build.gradle.
  • Error: "Failed to load Copilot"
    • Ensure the configuration token is valid and accessible.
  • Error: "No internet connection"
    • Check if the device has an active internet connection before initializing Copilot.
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