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A Copilot organization is the root entity where all the features of Copilot are located. Every single unit of work such as image transformation, asset delivery, and storage happens within an organization. When a user logs in, the first thing that the user needs to do is to create an organization.

Furthermore, a user can have many organizations and similarly, a user can belong to many organizations (see Teams).

Creating an Organization

The first thing a user sees after logging in for the first time is the Organization form page. An organization can be created based on the number of people that are going to use it. For a new user it will be created autmatically but exiisting users can create organizations as follows.

Create Organization

Organization Details

To view the details of the current organization, go to the Basic Details tab on the Settings page.

Here, you can edit the organization name, or copy the organization's unique id for any required purpose.


Only Owner users can edit organization's name.

Organization Details Page

Changing Organization

To change the current organization or create a new one, first click on the Change Organization button on the profile name dropdown menu as shown below.

'Change Organization' Button

Next, select any available organizations from the list or click on Create a New Organization to create a new organization.

'Organization List' Page
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More than just a virtual AI assistant, Copilot adds the flavor of interaction and engagement to your website. Easy to create, easier to customize, and easiest to deploy. Let Copilot enhance user experience on your website based on the information you provide.

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