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E-commerce with Fynd

Enhance your e-commerce website's functionality and customer experience with the power of AI. The Fynd skill for Copilot offers advanced features such as product discovery, image search for products, and real-time order tracking, streamlining your operations and improving customer satisfaction.


  1. Navigate to the Skills section inside your Copilot chatbot and click on the Link Button or plus icon next to the search bar. This opens the skill management interface, allowing you to add new functionalities to your Copilot.

    Navigate to the Skills section to begin the installation process.
  2. In the Explore section, search for the E-commerce with Fynd skill and click on the Install button. This step is crucial for integrating cutting-edge e-commerce capabilities into your platform.

    Search for and install the E-commerce with Fynd skill from the Explore section.
  3. Locate and install the E-commerce with Fynd skill to enhance your site with advanced e-commerce features.

    Select the E-commerce with Fynd skill for installation.
  4. Enter the access token provided by Fynd and click on save to finalize the installation.

    Install the skill

Manage on Fynd Platform

  1. Visit the Fynd platform and navigate to the extensions section within your preferred sales channel.

    Go to the Fynd platform's extensions section.
    Fynd Extensions Marketplace search
  2. Initially, the platform will be disconnected. Copy the token provided to link with Copilot.Live.

  3. Paste this token in the skill installation modal on Copilot.Live.

    Paste the copied token during the skill installation process.
  4. Refresh the extension on the Fynd platform. The status will change from disconnected to connected, indicating successful integration.

    The status changes to connected after refreshing, indicating successful integration.
  5. After connecting your Fynd platform with Copilot, select one of the available Copilot chatbots to be displayed on your sales channel.

    Select a Copilot chatbot to be shown on your sales channel for enhanced customer interaction.
  6. Click on "Configure" to select the specific pages within your sales channel where the Copilot chatbot will be displayed. This step allows you to customize the presence of the chatbot across your site, ensuring it is available exactly where your customers need support or assistance.

    Configure the chatbot's visibility by selecting the pages it appears on.
  7. Click on "Sync" to view ans manage catalog sync between your e-commerce platform and Copilot. This step is crucial for syncing the catalog between the platforms, enabling AI-powered search results and product recommendations. After initiating the sync, you can view the sync status to ensure that the product information is up-to-date and accurately reflected in the AI's responses and suggestions.

    Sync the catalog to enable AI-powered search results and recommendations, and monitor the sync status.
  8. To disconnect and disable the E-commerce with Fynd skill, click on "Disconnect." This action will sever the integration between your e-commerce platform and Copilot, disabling the AI-powered features and assistance provided by the skill. It's a reversible step that can be undertaken if you need to temporarily remove the integration or cease using the Fynd capabilities on your platform.

    Chatbot preview.

By following these steps, you can leverage the AI-driven capabilities of Fynd to elevate your e-commerce website, offering a seamless and efficient shopping experience to your customers.

More than just a virtual AI assistant, Copilot adds the flavor of interaction and engagement to your website. Easy to create, easier to customize, and easiest to deploy. Let Copilot enhance user experience on your website based on the information you provide.

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